
Hi, I'm Julius Jung.

Come read about my journey and thoughts.

DBC Phase_1: Day 2

I had no idea of what to expect for today at DBC. However, the enthusiasm was still flowing through my veins. I get ready to head out with a quick breakfast and shower. The commute is definitely starting to get a little better. One of the reasons why is because I am starting to understand all the different exits at the Fulton St subway station stop.

I got to DBC by 8:40AM and walked past the security guard. “Excuse me! Stop! Stop! Excuse me! Come here!” I thought the security guard wasn’t talking to me and kept walking. “STOP!” I was wrong; she was talking to me. “You need to swipe your card here!” I went over to swipe my entry card and replied, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” She let out a big sigh of disdain. I just smiled back while walking over to press the elevator button.

I directly head over to the bathroom to change into gym shorts. As a phase_1 student, yoga was mandatory and I was super excited to stretch out these kinks I’ve been forming from my horrible posture and slouching. At 9:00AM sharp, I was on top of a yoga mat with a sponge brick and a long belt as my utilities. It was the first time I took a yoga class, and I realized how beneficial it would be for me; it could help out with my super inflexibility and my scoliosis from slouching too much. I look forward to Thursday’s yoga class!

For lunch, some new friends and I went to Chop’t. I was just overwhelmed with the amount of possible combinations I could choose from. Although I was craving some chicken in my stomach, the salad surprisingly hit the sweet spot for me!

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For the pair session today, I was paired up with an awesome partner today as well. My partner was really good at constantly talking out loud to communicate with me. I told him that I really appreciated it, and we worked on sorting: in particular, linear search, binary search, insertion sort, and index search. My partner and I were very enthusiastic at first, but slowly started to get drained as 2:00PM turned into 8:30PM in a matter of seconds. I am starting to understand many teachers are constantly telling us to walk away from code and rest if we get stuck.

My mind is willing to sit for hours on end to learn the material and code all day/night. However, I should consciously make an effort to not do that since I would then be sacrificing a lot of my physical health. One of the things I believe we all should practice is to align what the mind wants and what the body wants; the emotional intelligence lectures I have tomorrow will definitely help me understand this better.

My partner and I decided to call it a day around 9:00PM. I always enjoy peer sessions, and I always hope that all my partners are able to enjoy my presence and learn something from me as well. I do love taking as much as I can from the great community DBC has created for us, but as I mature more as a developer within the past couple of weeks at phase_1 and phase_0, I hope to be able to contribute and give back to the community as well somehow.