
Hi, I'm Julius Jung.

Come read about my journey and thoughts.

DBC Phase_2: Day 12

Not much was done today except for coding. I bought lunch on my way over to Dev Bootcamp so I wouldn’t waste any time grabbing lunch during lunch hours. I asked a fellow group member to pair with me today so we can dive right into the challenges. T-minus 2 days until assessments and there’s no time to waste!

Today’s challenges

Today’s challenges were a continuation from yesterday, so my partner and I worked on TwitterAPI in order to tweet from an app we created from Sinatra: here. The app itself works fine locally, but one of the main problems we faced was deploying it to Heroku. For some reason, we couldn’t migrate the database over; after searching for a solution for some time, we found out that we needed to add a Postgres add-on. Some of the things I would like to go over to learn are:

  • Heroku Dynos
  • Heroku Add-ons
  • Maintaining the app’s databases on a daily/weekly basis
  • Making changes to the app and deploying the changes to production

I definitely need to start learning how to optimally use Heroku. It is essential for the life of my projects in the future!

So after lunch, I immediately told my partner that I would like to timebox the rest of the challenges so I could spend some time working on previous challenges in preparation for assessments on Thursday; he was okay with it. Surprisingly, we were able to finish all the challenges by 4:00PM which I was very happy about.

Preparation for assessments

I have two days to solidify a lot of topics that I am not that confident about. These topics include:

  • Active Record
  • CRUD
  • Sinatra
  • Object Oriented JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • AJAX

I’m excited to push myself to the limits. I don’t want to just pass the assessments on Thursday; I want to pass it with flying colors. I am thinking if I should stay overnight at Dev Bootcamp in order to maximize my time studying and minimizing my wasted time traveling. Not only that, I signed up for my last lightning talk on Jekyll/Octopress tomorrow and I want to stun my audience with a great presentation. I have a lot on my plate right now. It’s time to show what I’m made of!