I am officially starting to burn out. Real hard. I can’t even form cohesive sentences right now. I don’t even know what to write…
Group project finish
Group presentations started at 10:00AM in the morning. My group was proud of the work that we have accomplished, and deployed it on Heroku here. I tried my best to prepare the presentation for the group because I wanted to show the cohort how proud and happy we all were with the product. And it was awesome to hear from the instructors’ feedback that we were amazing with the presentations.
One thing that I felt during the group project was how little I contributed. I don’t know if this was whether or not the work responsibility was divided amongst the group, or if I really didn’t contribute much. One of the instructors was discussing the bus factor and how the work should be dispersed evenly so if one of the members was to get hit by a bus (very depressing thing to say, I know), the project could still continue on. In addition, maybe it was also because of the fact that I feel that I am still shaky with Rails. Nevertheless, this feeling is a feeling that I can easily solve. I tried my best to take on more responsibility during the projects, and contribute to the groups’ energy and dynamic. The funny thing was after the presentations were over, everyone felt like they didn’t contribute much to the project. Again, I guess that we have to start feeling comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Help meh
There’s just so much that is happening right now at Dev Bootcamp: lectures, challenges, Rails, lightning talks on gems. It’s a lot of information that needs to be inputted into my brain. My will is willing and able, but my body is feeble and weak. No matter how hard I try to get enough sleep, my body seems to want more. T-minus one day until pitch day: a day when all the students from all cohorts pitch final group project ideas to phase_3 students. And from then, we have roughly around one week left…