
Hi, I'm Julius Jung.

Come read about my journey and thoughts.

Haunted: Day 3

It took a while for us to start diving into the project this morning. Everyone was settling in and just having a typical morning filled with coffee, Dev Bootcamp check-in groups, and recapping on what was done yesterday.

Yesterday recap

A stand-up was called as soon as we all settled in, and discussed on what was accomplished yesterday:

  • Facebook / Twitter / Regular Login
  • Constantly deploy working project to Heroku
  • Firebase chat
  • Load assets
  • Toggle between ghosts
  • Move each character

Today’s goals

We were all happy with what was accomplished yesterday, and then discussed on what needed to be accomplished before lunchtime today:

  • Julius - Create tests for the code, and work on the character eating the candies
  • Cassie - Obtain coordinates as a JSON object in order to send to Firebase
  • Rootul - Modularize Firebase chat
  • Sid - Work on disabling diagonal movement, work on random movements for ghost characters, and work on character eating the candies
  • David - Obtain coordinates as a JSON object in order to send to Firebase

The group still plans to have a working MVP by Saturday morning. Cheers to working hard and more importantly, having fun today!

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Julius Jung