
Hi, I'm Julius Jung.

Come read about my journey and thoughts.

Haunted: Day 4

Today proved to be another great success. Although we did not have a finished MVP, we seemed to have made a lot of progress in reaching our goal of a MVP. It was a bit disappointing that we were not able to complete all assignments as we planned. However, we are all confident that we will be able to present a great MVP on the following Monday morning. We seem to be on the right track, except for a few bumps here and there.

We were able to finally fix the bug with collision on all the map sprites. This was a huge issue that we were facing with last night. It took us quite some time, but after some research and some tinkering, we were able to find what was causing this issue. Cassie and Julius also began on creating the different modals that we believe will be necessary for the project. Rootul worked on refactoring some of the code we had up. He also worked on integrating firebase with the game. Sid has made a lot of progress in randomizing movements for the inactive ghosts, as well as, creating the map with sprites. As of now, the biggest speed bump to be creating a custom map through tile map editor. We are having some issues with the project being able to read and convert the custom map created. However, we realize that this is not part of MVP. But it would be great to be able to incorporate a map.

We are pretty happy on the accomplishments we have achieved so far. Everyone is very encouraging and willing to help one another. We also took some time to go out and grab dinner as team. It was great being able to bond as friends rather than just fellow students. It helped relieve some of the stress we were getting from trying to complete our project.


David Sin