It’s been almost a month since I’ve graduated from DBC. A lot has been going on with my life and it’s been a real mess. Hopefully I will be able to organize my thoughts to discuss about what I’ve been thinking / going through…
The instructors weren’t joking when they stated that I wouldn’t know what to do with my time after waking up post-DBC. I felt like I needed to code, but I was so tired. I felt like I needed to head out to the DBC space, but I’m now an alumni. I felt like I should veg out and play video games all day, but job searching needed to be done. Thankfully, I was able to pause my life because an important person in my life came from Thailand to visit the US; she kept me busy for a couple of weeks with traveling to Washington DC and going to Electric Zoo.
A New Person
One of the things I have learned is that relationships don’t take care of themselves; it’s real hard work to maintain one! And I’ve finally decided to actively fix how little I’ve been taking care of the relationships that are important in my life. A lot of friends and family I’ve been meeting up with all say how different I am now…which is interesting to me because I’m hearing the same thing from multiple, different people. I’m curious how I’ve become this new person and I’m curious how DBC changed me. Nevertheless, I’m happy with what I have achieved and who I’ve become through the program. And not only that, I am able to code now!
There’s a story of an Italian Billionaire when asked if he had to start over from scratch what he’d do. He replied that he’d take any job to make $500, buy a nice suit, then go to parties where he’d meet successful people. The implication being that he meet someone who’d offer him a job, share an opportunity, etc.
I agree with this 100%. I hope to see where life takes me in the future!